AK-Sen: Dr. Al Gross (I) Puts Pressure On Sullivan (R) To Stop Trump From Withdrawing From The WHO

Received this e-mail today from Dr. Al Gross’ (I. AK) U.S. Senate campaign:

Dr. Al Gross (I. AK)

We're still in the midst of a pandemic — even if President Trump isn't acting like it.

Right now, COVID-19 is continuing to infect millions of people. States are having to close down… again. Hospitals are reaching capacity.

And the latest models predict more than 200,000 Americans dead by Election Day.
Trump's response?

Withdrawing from the World Health Organization — the global entity leading the worldwide response and helping coordinate the creation of a possible COVID-19 vaccine.

As a doctor, believe me when I say withdrawal from the WHO will needlessly cost American lives.

If Dan Sullivan and Mitch McConnell have been waiting for a moment to show some backbone and stop Donald Trump from further harming the American people, this is it.

America's health is at stake.

Add your name and tell Dan Sullivan and Mitch McConnell to take immediate action in the Senate to stop Donald Trump's withdrawal from the World Health Organization.

Thank you,

Dr. Al Gross

Click here to add your name.

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