Adam Schiff expects whistleblower to testify 'very soon'

If my obnoxious next-door neighbor ever improperly solicits help from Vladimir Putin or the president of Ukraine, I want Adam Schiff to bring the hammer down on him. As it is, he just uses power tools at 8 a.m. on a Saturday. But maybe Schiff can look into that as well, when he’s done with the hairy creamsicle?

One can dream.

Okay, so Schiff was on This Week with George Stephanopoulos this morning and said the following about the man/woman everyone wants to hear from:

STEPHANOPOULOS: Have you reached an agreement yet with the whistleblower and his or her attorneys about coming before the [House Intelligence] Committee and providing the information firsthand? 

SCHIFF: Yes, we have, and as Director Maguire promised during the hearing, that whistleblower will be allowed to come in and come in without a minder from the Justice Department or from the White House to tell the whistleblower what they can and cannot say. We’ll get the unfiltered testimony of that whistleblower. Now, we are taking all the precautions we can to make sure that we do so. We allow the testimony to go forward in a way that protects the whistleblower’s identity, because as you can imagine, with the president issuing threats like “we ought to treat these people who expose my wrongdoing as we used to treat traitors and spies, as we used to execute traitors and spies,” you can imagine the security concerns here.

STEPH: So when do you expect to hear from the whistleblower?

SCHIFF: Very soon. … It will depend probably more on how quickly the director of national intelligence can complete the security clearance process for the whistleblower’s lawyers, but we’re ready to hear from the whistleblower as soon as that is done, and we’ll keep obviously riding shotgun to make sure that the acting director doesn’t delay in that clearance process.

Tick tock, Donny. 

Whistleblower Unfiltered sounds like pure spring water from a mountain stream to this forlorn soul.

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