Adam Schiff: Evidence of collusion 'in plain sight,' Mueller may not have final word

Well, this seems almost designed to make Donald Trump lose his omelet.

On CNN’s State of the Union this morning, House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff not only said that collusion is an open secret, he also implied that the heat won’t be off Trump even if Robert Mueller fails to produce a damning report. And he rebuffed Senate Intelligence Chair Richard Burr’s conclusion that the facts in the case point to no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

From Politico:

“Chairman Burr must have a different word for it,” Schiff told host Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” pointing to communications between Russia and Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump aides George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn.

“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence,” Schiff said, adding, “There is a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Schiff said special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on potential Russian government meddling in the 2016 election might not be the final word on the matter.

“We may also need to see the evidence behind that report,” he said.

Trump can’t seem to find the “F” key when he tweets about Schiff, preferring to call him “Schitt.”

I have a feeling he’ll find his Fs now.


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