A major Democratic leader is fundraising for one of the most anti-abortion politicians in America

Even after state legislatures in states like Ohio, Georgia, and Alabama have passed draconian anti-abortion laws designed to criminalize women and attempt to convince a far-right U.S. Supreme Court majority to overturn the pro-choice Roe v. Wade precedent, U.S. Representative Cheri Bustos (D-IL), the chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), is hosting a fundraiser for one of the most anti-abortion politicians in America:


You’ll notice that the graphic about the fundraiser does not mention Dan Lipinski’s party affiliation. Despite Lipinski’s extreme anti-abortion views, Lipinski is a Democrat, and he’s seeking re-nomination in the 3rd Congressional District of Illinois, which extends from the southwestern parts of Chicago to northern Will County.

Lipinski is not pro-choice by anyone’s imagination. Lipinski has participated in the March for Life, an annual anti-abortion political protest, Lipinski has repeatedly opposed pro-choice legislation, and Lipinski has repeatedly supported anti-abortion legislation. In 2013, Lipinski voted for federal legislation banning abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Thankfully, Lipinski is being opposed in next year’s Democratic primary in Illinois’s 3rd District by Marie Newman, who came close to unseating Lipinski last year. Unlike Lipinski, Newman is strongly pro-choice and has publicly opposed abortion bans like the one that recently passed the Alabama Legislature.

You can donate to Marie Newman’s campaign here and find her campaign website here.

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