Illogical Compromise

I keep hearing from the chattering class that Donald Trump garnered over 72 million votes in his loss to Joe Biden, so Democrats need to listen to them. There was an even split between the number of states that voted for President-elect Joe Biden and the current lame-duck Donald Trump, although Mr. Biden amassed nearly…

Trump tweets fade into the delusion of a 'Lost Cause' presidency

The post-presidential Trumpian revisionist history continues because the grift continues, portending an attempt to attach itself to other pseudo-grievances that have persisted because of cultural and regional divisions. Trump will fundraise off a 2024 reelection myth the instant he concedes(sic), with the goal of establishing some permanent media presence. Check-out this animated map showing COVID cases…

GA-Sen A & B: Joe Biden Is Coming Back To Georgia To Get His Senate Majority

I’m all in for this: President-elect Joe Biden will join the lineup of influential Democrats involved in Georgia's ongoing senatorial campaigns, according to his recently-named forthcoming chief of staff. Ron Klain—who will formally step into the role when become Biden assumes office in January—discussed the outcomes of Georgia's two runoff elections, and how they could…

Matt's post!

My local chapter of Indivisible shared Matt’s post. I have no idea who Matt is, but his post has gone viral. I know we have another 2 months of 45’s divisiveness, his cruelty and we will be subjected to more horror and heartache before this monster finally exits in January. However, the Biden and Harris…

Scott “Mengele” Atlas To Michiganders : Just Die.

Washington (CNN)White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Scott Atlas criticized Michigan’s new Covid-19 restrictions in a tweet shortly after they were announced Sunday evening, urging people to “rise up” against the new public health measures. “The only way this stops is if people rise up,” Atlas said. “You get what you accept. #FreedomMatters #StepUp”…

The orange grifter won by a Lot, but did his wife turn into assault

Ann Coulter tells Texas crowd “a second term of Trump would have killed us”: “I'm glad he lost” “It's like he didn't know he was president..” He didn’t. These remain dangerous times, but they will get better. Looking back will always bring salty tears. x Robbie Kaplan, my attorney, is the woman who's going to make the post-presidency of @realDonaldTrump such…

Ivanka tries for the Low-Info, High-Disinformation voters before she flees to NYC

Ivanka and her brother retweeted an edited video of a violent right-wing perpetrator left over from yesterday’s Unite the Right 2.0 MAGA demo. An unedited version of the video shows the real depth of carnage. Apparently they’re trying to corner the less-attentive part of the right-wing media audience, perhaps in the hope of running for political office. x…


200g softened troll fat 200g rock salt lightly crushed 4 tsp rat droppings ½ tsp deplorable extract 175g finely sifted dandruff 85g ground confederate flags ½ tsp of ground flag pins 300g sour grapes 100ml MAGA tears 2 tsp conspiracy theory extract Throw every thing into the cats litter tray and mix. Pour gunk into…

WYFP? Open Thread (1,8,9,36)

x “U.S. District Judge Paul Diamond appeared startled when the lawyers then acknowledged that the observers had, in fact, been permitted within 15 ft of the poll workers. “’I'm sorry, then what's your problem?’ said Diamond.” (via ⁦@OliviaRubinABC⁩) — Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla) November 7, 2020 x Judges in 3 states have dismissed Trump campaign…

Pro-Trump protesters chant 'Fox News sucks!' at mealy-men march

Two days ago, Donald Trump had the long knives out for Fox News. He retweeted numerous supporters who were vowing to ditch Fox for Newsmax and OANN. And he also tweeted this: x .@FoxNews daytime ratings have completely collapsed. Weekend daytime even WORSE. Very sad to watch this happen, but they forgot what made them…

POTUS* does a drive-by waving for the teeming thousand(s) because Joe Biden flipped 5 Trump states

Lemmings, with the Secret Service locked and loaded. Was this also a protest of DC gyms’ occupancy limits? x This loser parade must’ve left their self respect at home.— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) November 14, 2020 x MOMENTS AGO: Trump supporters rush to see the president's motorcade driving by. — The Hill (@thehill) November…

GA-Sen A: Climate Denier & Hypocrite David Perdue (R) Lives In Protected Beachfront Mansion

From The Intercept: IF SEN. DAVID PERDUE wins reelection in Georgia’s runoff in January, the Republican Party will almost certainly maintain its Senate majority. Perdue, an outspoken climate denier, urged President Donald Trump to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords; voted against a Senate resolution that affirmed that climate change is real and that human activities contribute to it;…

What is Going On?

Time after time, succeeding presidents have followed less than stellar Republican administrations feeling obligated to bestow forgiveness. Richard Nixon masterminded a crime, known to every police drama watcher as B&E, breaking and entering. Nixon was disgracefully relegated to the dustbin of history, but that dustbin was a mansion off the coast of California. Although Ronald…

Trump: This was the most secure rigged election ever!

Yeah, don’t expect it to make sense. Trump is a quart of strawberries shy of a full Queeg right about now. x In this tweet, the president argues that the election was the most secure election ever except for the fact that it was rigged.— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 13, 2020 < p class=”is-empty-p”>…

Grow The F*uck Up

To the troglodytes hiding in the White House. Dear Snowflakes I know you are busy shredding every hard copy and scrubbing hard drives whilst trying to con your supporters out of their money for the Crazy Uncle PAC, so I will keep this brief. Put your toddler in his walker and slap in a pacifier…

“One of the many Marx toys, have you all of them?” part 4

This post in the Anticapitalist Chat supports a group reading of Karl Marx’s Capital Vol 1. #GoodMorningMarx #WeeklyMarx This covers chapters 15 and 16. Chapter 15 describes more closely the production process and its relation of technology (to power as machinery and as social relation) Chapter 16 begins a discussion of the historical relation between absolute…

Biden is “He Who Must Not Be Named”

White House officials are acting like President-elect (!!!!) Joe Biden is Harry Potter’s Voldermort: He who must not be named. Trump’s National Security Adviser Tells Staff: Don’t Even Mention Biden’s Name Other officials familiar with the matter noted that O’Brien has also pushed national security officials to publicly embrace the absurd Trump message that the…

Donald Trump has declared war on Fox News

We’ve all heard it before, ad nauseam: Donald Trump demands loyalty. That’s not exactly right, of course. Donald Trump demands lickspittle obeisance 24/7, and anything short of that will trigger a poo-flinging the likes of which we’ve never seen before. Exhibit A: x .@FoxNews daytime ratings have completely collapsed. Weekend daytime even WORSE. Very sad to…

What Trump Wants Is A “Participation Trophy” For The Election

Spend any time talking to a Republican and eventually you will hear emotional complaints about the Participation Trophy — trophies given to every kid who participates in Little League or similar games regardless of whether they win.  A number of Republicans believe this is destroying the American character. It occurred to me though that this is…

Even Robert Jeffress now acknowledges a Trump loss and a bitter pill

A Trump win now has the odds of pitching a TV reality show remaking The Odd Couple with Jeffrey Toobin and Jon Meacham. Pastor Jeffress acknowledges that rubber meets the road and that Trump could have been Nero. One of President Donald Trump’s top evangelical backers has accepted that Joe Biden won the election. Dallas megachurch…

If you read nothing else: Read this article.

Masha Gessen writes this article in the New Yorker Magyar divides the autocrat’s journey into three stages: autocratic attempt, autocratic breakthrough, and autocratic consolidation. The attempt is a period when autocracy is still preventable, or reversible, by electoral means. When it is no longer possible to reverse autocracy peacefully, the autocratic breakthrough has occurred, because…

Say adieu to the ocher abomination in style with 'Goodbye, A**hat'

So I wrote this book. Somewhere between banging out blog posts, refreshing FiveThirtyEight like a lab monkey jonesing for cocaine pellets, and trying on endless pairs of Trump-stompin’ boots at Payless, I managed to finish a whole book. And it’s now available, just in time for you to pop some popcorn, sit back in your…

The Georgia Flip?

For a period in history, there existed something called the Whig Party. A group of disaffected Nationalist Republicans and Democrats who saw a need to unify the country after the horrifying presidency of Andrew Johnson. One of the main tenets of the Whigs was a limit on presidential power. Unlike the 1830s Whigs, today’s Republican…